Home / City of Johannesburg / Public access to plans examiners limited ahead of City’s Construction Permit Management System pilot

Public access to plans examiners limited ahead of City’s Construction Permit Management System pilot

Posted on October 1 2021 by Gert Minnaar in City of Johannesburg

Release: Immediate

01 October 2021

The City of Johannesburg Department of Development Planning, in its quest to improve operational efficiency and transparency in its processes, is embarking on a project to modernise and streamline the current Site Development and Building Plan permit system.

To do this, the City is doing away with using paper-based applications, manual processing and capturing, and introducing a web-based application system, specifically designed for building permit purposes.

The new online application process will now allow applicants to submit their building plans applications online. In addition, the payment and processing of the application will be streamlined through a workflow that integrates with a mobile-based inspection application that facilitates the reduction in steps, turnaround times, and the automatic issuance of Certificate of Occupancy and other related permits.

The web-based system development is at an advanced stage towards implementation, with the final user acceptance, integration and security tests currently being conducted.

To enable a befitting pilot, tentatively scheduled to launch on 11 October until 08 November 2021, and to create a conducive environment for the smooth implementation of the online system, Development Planning’s Building Development Management (BDM) directorate must clear a backlog of approximately 2 200 building applications.

As a result, the Plans Examiners and Chief Plans Examiners will require time and space to concentrate on the actual assessments of the building applications that are currently in their system, ahead of the envisaged launch date.

Access to Plans Examiners and Chief Plans Examiners by registered professionals and members of the public will, therefore, be limited until 11 October 2021.

However, walk-in and general enquiries (i.e.: status of building applications, collection of approved/refused plans, return of corrected applications after refusal, submission of further documentation, and related services) will be dealt with and attended to by admin staff.

Nearly 1 000 building plans have been processed since 20 September 2021 – a considerable feat achieved by the Plans Examiners and Chief Plans Examiners. BDM aims to conclude their assessments and decisions (approval or refusal) on the remaining 1 200 building plans by 08 October 2021.

In the case of a refusal decision, the applicant has one year to correct the refused application. Thereafter, the plan automatically lapses in terms of Section 7(5) of the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103, 1977 as amended.

The main focus of this endeavour is to improve operational efficiency, good governance, and the implementation of the Construction Permit Management System for improved service delivery and satisfied customers.

We remain committed to enhancing the delivery of quality services by clearing the backlog of building plans and implementing a system to better serve the residents of Johannesburg. We, therefore, encourage our customers to be supportive of our plans to improve our processes and systems.

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Media enquiries

Poppy Louw

Chief Specialist: Communication and Stakeholder Liaison

Development Planning


081 235 4999