Wednesday 10 October 2018: SAARDA golf day and dinner with John Loos at the Wanderers Golf Club

  • You can enter this golf day at R2 315-00 per four ball which includes green fees, 2 carts, a halfway house voucher and dinner for each player
  • Caddies are for your own account.
  • Please request an entry form from Eleen Gilbert at or

If you want to invite additional dinner guests who will not play in the golf day it will be at R295 per person, please complete this section on the entry form


Programme for the evening event

  • 18h30 – Welcome by Michael Hartman (SAARDA Chairperson)
  • 18h35 – Short address by Marius Marais (Chairperson: FNB    Mortgage Advisory Board)
  •  18h45 – Dinner
  • 19h00 – Main address by John loos (Property Economist at FNB)
  • 19h30 – Prizegiving