You are invited to join us at the SAARDA golf day on Wednesday 14 April 2021 at the Houghton Golf Club, Osborne Road, Lower Houghton, 2198
- DATE: Wednesday, 14 April 2021
- TIME: Registration starts at 09h30 with first tee-off at 11h00
- PLACE: Houghton Golf Course, Osborn Road, Lower Houghton, 2198, Tel: (011) 728-7337
- ENTRY FEE: R3 000 per four-ball (includes green fees for the four-ball, halfway house, 2 carts and dinner for four)
- ENTRY FORM: This form can be obtained from Eleen Gilbert. Please submit your completed entry form as soon as possible so that we can finalize the field.
- PAYMENT: Payment must be made to SAARDA, First National Bank, account number 624 837 05194, Branch code 252155 under reference of your company/four-ball name.
- Please mail proof of payment to
- CADDIES: For your own account (R305 minimum fee)
Please note that the score cards must be handed in at the Pro Shop immediately after play. The dinner and prize giving starts at around 18h15. A cash bar will be available.